Indigo Code
The 2000s were full of fantastic web games. Flash games on Newgrounds and Homestar Runner. Runescape, the absolutely classic Java browser MMO. Nowadays, we have significantly better technology and yet the browser gaming scene is... significantly smaller and more niche.
This website is where I put all the resources, examples, and insights I have on the topic of developing games for the web.
(This site is still under active development)
Latest Content:

WebGL Tutorial 02 - "Movement and Color"
Second tutorial in my ongoing "WebGL in 2022" tutorial series. This tutorial covers drawing multiple shapes to the screen, adding color gradients to those shapes, and animating the motion of shapes across the screen.
WebGL concepts covered:
WebGL concepts covered:
- Uniform Values
- Fragment Shader Inputs
- Vertex Array Objects

WebGL Tutorial 01 - "Hello, Triangle!"
First tutorial in a new "WebGL in 2022" tutorial series. This tutorial covers the basics of WebGL graphics programming:
- Creating a WebGL surface in an HTML page
- Uploading geometry information to the GPU
- Uploading and Compiling GPU shaders
- Attaching geometry data to vertex shader inputs
- Drawing a piece of geometry